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Posts Tagged ‘worst’

Remove Tummy Fat With the Right Diet and Exercise

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Tummy or belly fat is the worst fat that a person can accumulate. This can lead to serious illnesses like cancer, diabetes and various other illnesses. If you are not aware of it, belly fat is very hard to get rid of and hence, it should be carefully taken care of with utmost concern

Continued here:
Remove Tummy Fat With the Right Diet and Exercise

Facts About Losing Stomach Weight

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The basic knowledge that health foods available in leading stores can help to reduce stomach fat is the worst myth and should never be trusted.

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Facts About Losing Stomach Weight

Facts About Losing Stomach Weight

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The basic knowledge that health foods available in leading stores can help to reduce stomach fat is the worst myth and should never be trusted. These so called health foods don’t contribute to losing stomach weight, but instead they cheat you into buying them and building profits for manufacturers and retailers

Follow this link:
Facts About Losing Stomach Weight

Making Ketogenic Diets Work

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Ketogenic Diets (more specifically Cyclic Ketogenic Diets) are the most effective diets for achieving rapid, ultra low bodyfat levels with maximum muscle retention! When applied properly a ketogenic diet will reduce body weight and bodyfat faster than any other type of diet. But done incorrectly they can be the worst feeling and worst performing diets of all.

See the rest here:
Making Ketogenic Diets Work

When All Else Fails, Dance

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: I challenge each and every one of you who stopped to read this to find some time in each of your days to connect to a song. Whether you dance in your chair or stand up and shake it out it makes no difference. Maybe you simply sing at the top of your lungs.

Read the rest here:
When All Else Fails, Dance

Is Exercise Necessary for You To Lose Weight?

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: A new study just came out a few months ago that claimed something absolutely controversial and seemed to confirm our worst fears all in one go: it stated that exercise won’t help you lose weight. Immediately grabbing all the headlines, this study stated that it had followed a group of women who exercised for six weeks and a group who didn’t and found no difference between the two when it came to weight loss. Suddenly the world was reeling: is it true

Is Exercise Necessary for You To Lose Weight?

The Best Diet Solution Out There!

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: For many, finding the right diet solution to help them lose weight has become as tedious and difficult as finding a job in the worst of economic times.

See the rest here:
The Best Diet Solution Out There!

The Best Diet Solution Out There!

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: For many, finding the right diet solution to help them lose weight has become as tedious and difficult as finding a job in the worst of economic times.

Go here to see the original:
The Best Diet Solution Out There!

The Best Diet Solution Out There!

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: For many, finding the right diet solution to help them lose weight has become as tedious and difficult as finding a job in the worst of economic times. You don’t have to go out of your way to make that much of a tremendous change in your daily activities to lose weight. In fact it could be as simple as just changing your mindset, with only taking up less than 3% of your free time.

The Best Diet Solution Out There!

Sugar Addiction: Part 2 of a 3 Part Series on How to Crush Sugar Cravings

Friday, March 18th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: In Part 1 we discussed the importance of eliminating white bread in your diet to crush those sugar cravings and why. Today is Part 2: Never to eat sugar alone; only with other foods. Now why would I say that

Read more:
Sugar Addiction: Part 2 of a 3 Part Series on How to Crush Sugar Cravings

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The product featured are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Consumers should always consult their own medical practitioner(s) with any medical or health concerns before starting any new diet, product or supplement.