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Posts Tagged ‘weight-gain’

High Alkaline Foods Can Help Avoid Menopause Weight Gain in Women

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: High alkaline foods can be a real boon for women who are suffering from menopause and pre-menopause symptoms. Indeed, hot flashes and menopause weight gain should come immediately to mind for many women reading this. Although some wouldn’t make that connection right away, it seems that including a wide selection of these types of foods goes a long way in helping to keep the body in a healthier alkaline state, thereby helping to keep those pesky hot flashes at bay and even encouraging more belly fat loss.

Original post:
High Alkaline Foods Can Help Avoid Menopause Weight Gain in Women

Losing Body Fat – Exclusive Ways to Lose Weight

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Losing body fat gets tougher daily. Many people nationwide battles with weight gain throughout their lifetime.

See more here:
Losing Body Fat – Exclusive Ways to Lose Weight

Are You Thinking Diet Pills Are The Solution To Your Overweight Problem?

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: We have available today pills and supplements that claim to help us lose weight. The people who market them make claims like ‘fast’, ‘rapid’ and ‘easy’

Read more here:
Are You Thinking Diet Pills Are The Solution To Your Overweight Problem?

How to Be Slim and Shapely

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Why am I gaining weight? The main cause of weight gain is the hormonal changes.

See original here:
How to Be Slim and Shapely

Lose Weight on The Job: Burn Off Calories

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: So you have desk job and your unable to get enough exercise?

Read the rest here:
Lose Weight on The Job: Burn Off Calories

Some Weight Loss Tips You Should Know

Saturday, February 19th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Because of the increasing incidence of heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and many other conditions related to weight gain, people try to find ways to lose weight the healthy way. Women of all ages are now more conscious of what they eat, what the calorie count of their meal is, and how to keep their weight within a healthy range.

View post:
Some Weight Loss Tips You Should Know

Expert Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

Friday, February 18th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: My lady clients who are over 40 are constantly telling me that they just can’t believe all that’s going on with their bodies that nobody bothered to warn them about.

See the rest here:
Expert Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

Get Rid Of Belly Fat Before Swimsuit Season

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The holidays have passed, and for most people, hibernation mode is setting in. Common ways of physically and mentally dealing with the cold include eating rich, fatty and comforting foods, and spending evenings wrapped up in blankets with a good book or movie. Although these activities may be temporarily satisfying, they can have unwanted physical side effects, such as weight gain and loss of muscle tone

The rest is here:
Get Rid Of Belly Fat Before Swimsuit Season

Fighting Mid Life Weight Gain

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: It seems like many of us reach middle age and suddenly notice we are not as fit as we used to be. We’ve got muffin tops and love handles. Our clothes don’t fit and we have to face the harsh reality that the mid life weight gain has set in.

See the article here:
Fighting Mid Life Weight Gain

Hormones and Weight Loss

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The majority of people lack adequate fruits and vegetables in their diet, which is a big contributory factor of, weight gain and a number of health problems. Being low in fat and sugar and high in fiber; fruits and vegetables are a great way to help reduce body fat. A combination of raw fruits and vegetables will provide you enough nutrients to keep your metabolic process in a healthy state and minimize the deposition of fat.

Read the original:
Hormones and Weight Loss

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