The Low Fat Diet Myth
Wednesday, May 25th, Over the past fifty years we have all been told that fat was bad for us because it will make you fat. So what did Americans do?
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The Low Fat Diet Myth Over the past fifty years we have all been told that fat was bad for us because it will make you fat. So what did Americans do?
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The Low Fat Diet Myth All of the trend diets out there give dieting itself a bad name.
The Best Life Diet: The Only Diet Plan You Will Ever Need Again All of the trend diets out there give dieting itself a bad name. Anyone who has tried out one of those dangerous diets understands the rollercoaster that that type of dieting is
The Best Life Diet: The Only Diet Plan You Will Ever Need Again How many time a day do you say or hear someone around you say “Oh, I need a diet!” What is meant with “DIET”? Are you talking about needing to solve some personal issues or are you just following the trend of dieting?
Continued here:
Diet – What Are You Eating?