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Posts Tagged ‘the-spotlight’

Practical Weight Loss Tips – How To Enjoy The Wedding, and Still Lose Weight!

Friday, May 13th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: How can you maintain your practical weight loss eating plan and still enjoy the wedding or weddings you’ll be going to soon? While the grand spectacle major production celebrity wedding of William and Kate is light years beyond the ambition and budget of most young couples (except for those who, like the British royals, are both very wealthy and who live in the spotlight of fame), like the royal nuptials, most modern weddings will include gourmet meals or at least tempting desserts.

Originally posted here:
Practical Weight Loss Tips – How To Enjoy The Wedding, and Still Lose Weight!

Practical Weight Loss Tips – How To Enjoy The Wedding, and Still Lose Weight!

Friday, May 13th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: How can you maintain your practical weight loss eating plan and still enjoy the wedding or weddings you’ll be going to soon? While the grand spectacle major production celebrity wedding of William and Kate is light years beyond the ambition and budget of most young couples (except for those who, like the British royals, are both very wealthy and who live in the spotlight of fame), like the royal nuptials, most modern weddings will include gourmet meals or at least tempting desserts.

See more here:
Practical Weight Loss Tips – How To Enjoy The Wedding, and Still Lose Weight!

Best Way to Lose Weight Before Your Wedding Day

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: First off, congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! Once the glow of being engaged to (hopefully) your perfect soul mate wears off you’ll be faced with the fact that you will be in the spotlight, in your dress, for an entire day.

Continue reading here:
Best Way to Lose Weight Before Your Wedding Day

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