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Posts Tagged ‘the-reverse’

3 Common Mistakes That Help Your Body Put on Fat – Even While Dieting

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: While we diet to improve our bodies and health, done wrong it can have the reverse effect to what we want. Some fall of the wagon while others are just too virtuous. These are 3 common mistakes that can increase your weight instead of decreasing it.

Read the rest here:
3 Common Mistakes That Help Your Body Put on Fat – Even While Dieting

To Waddle or Not to Waddle, That Is Indeed the Question

Friday, May 6th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Sit in any shopping center/mall these days and take note of how many people waddle around the food courts.

Follow this link:
To Waddle or Not to Waddle, That Is Indeed the Question

To Waddle or Not to Waddle, That Is Indeed the Question

Friday, May 6th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Sit in any shopping center/mall these days and take note of how many people waddle around the food courts. I am old enough to remember when over weight people were a rarity now the reverse seems to apply.

Read more:
To Waddle or Not to Waddle, That Is Indeed the Question

Losing Weight With the Right Attitude

Monday, March 14th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: You may have thought about the exercise and diet when planning to lose weight but have you considered the attitude. Research shows that a positive attitude can help strengthen and energize the body and thoughts such as negative thinking, stress and fear have the reverse effect.

Read more from the original source:
Losing Weight With the Right Attitude

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Consumers should always consult their own medical practitioner(s) with any medical or health concerns before starting any new diet, product or supplement.