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Posts Tagged ‘the-loss’

Lose Weight the Natural Way – Magic Solution to Weight Loss

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Everyone is looking for a magic solution to weight loss.

The rest is here:
Lose Weight the Natural Way – Magic Solution to Weight Loss

What Can Cause Fatigue and Rapid Weight Loss?

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Fatigue is described as the loss of strength due to low energy levels during or after a strenuous mental or physical activity. You experience fatigue because whatever activity you were doing has drained you of energy which you did not replenish or take a rest from. Physical fatigue is experienced when you find you have less energy to do the physical activities you usually find easy to do.

Here is the original post:
What Can Cause Fatigue and Rapid Weight Loss?

Lose Belly Weight the Healthy and Natural Way With These Simple Tips

Monday, April 4th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Losing belly fat isn’t easy, though, which is why the vast majority of people fail.

Read more:
Lose Belly Weight the Healthy and Natural Way With These Simple Tips

Weight Loss For Men Over 50 Cannot Be Accomplished Through Increased Activity Alone

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Weight gain with age happens because as we age we lose lean muscle mass. With the loss of lean muscle mass, all other factors being equal, our RMR, or resting metabolic rate, decreases too. This is part of the physiological changes that take place as we age that make weight loss for men over 50 an increasing challenge.

Read more:
Weight Loss For Men Over 50 Cannot Be Accomplished Through Increased Activity Alone

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