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Posts Tagged ‘some-very’

Common Weight Training Myths

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Using weights is a great way to build and tone muscle as well as speed up metabolism, allowing you to burn more body fat. There are however some very popular strength training beliefs that are simply not true.

Continue reading here:
Common Weight Training Myths

11 Practical (And Little Known) Tips To Make Weight Loss Easier! (Who Said Dieting Had To Be Hard?)

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Does the thought of “dieting” make you want to scream?! If so, you are not alone! I too had a miserable time as well. BUT, there is hope! Throughout my journey to get in great shape and health, I came across some very simple and fun tips that helped take away the negativity of dieting

Read this article:
11 Practical (And Little Known) Tips To Make Weight Loss Easier! (Who Said Dieting Had To Be Hard?)

5 Reasons You Haven’t Lost Weight

Monday, April 11th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: If you haven’t lost weight and want to, there are some very simple reasons why it hasn’t happened for you. Once you recognize these reasons and take steps to overcome them, you’ll find that weight loss and fitness will become easier. See if you can recognize your own behavior and your actions in the following reasons for weight loss being a problem.

Visit link:
5 Reasons You Haven’t Lost Weight

Summer Weight Loss On The Horizon

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Most of us have had a rough winter this year and our exercise probably consisted of some very unpleasant things like shoveling snow and straining our muscles trying not to fall on ice. In that kind of weather nobody would blame you for wanting to just stay inside and be warm and cozy

Original post:
Summer Weight Loss On The Horizon

Drinking Water, Lose Weight

Friday, February 18th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Water, H2O, Aqua or any other name you may use to call it makes up approximately 70% of our bodies. There are many benefits to drinking water some very critical and yet most people do not drink enough.

Visit link:
Drinking Water, Lose Weight

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