Are You Simply Dieting or Getting Healthy?
Tuesday, May 31st, Have you ever noticed the similarity between a diet and a New Years resolution?
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Are You Simply Dieting or Getting Healthy? Have you ever noticed the similarity between a diet and a New Years resolution?
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Are You Simply Dieting or Getting Healthy? She had tried every program known to mankind. They either didn’t work – meaning she didn’t lose any weight at all – or she lost the weight, but as soon as she started eating normally again, she put it all back on, and then some! She was at her wits’ end. She secretly hated her body, even though she put on a cheerful face to the outside world She had tried every program known to mankind.
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How Do Positive Affirmations Work for Weight Loss? Here’s the scene: you just got out of the shower and look into the mirror and wonder why the image of you is distorted especially around the waist. You then proceed to make a mental note to get the mirror changed or improve the ventilation (it could be the steam from the shower after all).
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