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Posts Tagged ‘shed-pounds’

Should You Try Fasting To Lose Weight?

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Fasting to lose weight is one way for you to shed pounds and this consists of abstaining from foods, drinks, or both for a period of time that can last from just a few short hours to a couple of days. Some of the reasons that people fast are that they want to begin a new diet with a clean slate and so they start fasting to remove those impurities.

More here:
Should You Try Fasting To Lose Weight?

Should You Try Fasting To Lose Weight?

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Fasting to lose weight is one way for you to shed pounds and this consists of abstaining from foods, drinks, or both for a period of time that can last from just a few short hours to a couple of days. Some of the reasons that people fast are that they want to begin a new diet with a clean slate and so they start fasting to remove those impurities.

Originally posted here:
Should You Try Fasting To Lose Weight?

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