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Posts Tagged ‘notion’

Quick Weight Loss – I Can Sleep When I Die! – Not a Good Idea

Friday, May 13th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: I’m pretty sure you’ve heard somebody, whether it’s your friend, family member or someone on television, say, “I’ll sleep when I die!” They’re usually very proud of the notion that they can get by on little or no sleep. That they’re superhuman and sleep is for babies! Well, I’m telling you, sleep is not overrated.

Follow this link:
Quick Weight Loss – I Can Sleep When I Die! – Not a Good Idea

The Importance of Group Workouts in Weight Loss Centers

Friday, April 15th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Exercising is the key for leading a healthy life. We have seen many people start with the notion one day, workout rigorously, stick to the routine for two or three days and taking a break forever then onwards. It always becomes a question of resilience.

More here:
The Importance of Group Workouts in Weight Loss Centers

What You Need to Know For A Healthy Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

Monday, March 14th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Many have become convinced that a vegetarian weight loss diet is the best and most effective approach to overcoming obesity. While this notion definitely has merit, it is very important to explore this type of diet first and become knowledgeable as to what it involves and whether it is the right kind of diet for you.

The rest is here:
What You Need to Know For A Healthy Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet

Losing Weight – Is Spot Reduction Just a Myth?

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Losing weight and exercising is a different type of journey for each of us. Have you ever heard someone say something along these lines: “I’m doing tons of crunches so my tummy will get smaller?” This is the concept of spot reduction, the notion that working out in excess on a specific part of your body will reduce the fat quicker.

Originally posted here:
Losing Weight – Is Spot Reduction Just a Myth?

Weight Loss And Carbohydrates – How To Tell The Good From The Bad

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Because of the popularity of low carb diets, some people have the notion that carbs are bad. Nothing could be further from the truth, even when you are trying to lose weight

See the original post:
Weight Loss And Carbohydrates – How To Tell The Good From The Bad

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