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Posts Tagged ‘new-healthy’

Setting Aside Time For A Health Assessment

Friday, June 10th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: You can start by having a healthy and active lifestyle that should include exercises in a variety of ways that include walking, swimming and what ever comes to mind, the key is to get active and stay active in order for your metabolism to burn fat. Start a new healthy way of living by eliminating all the bad foods that have contributed to your current condition.

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Setting Aside Time For A Health Assessment

Healthy Food Choices For A Healthy You

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: What begins in the home should also be taught to family and friends, hopefully this will start a chain reaction and slowly become a way of life for others to see and adopt. It may seem a bit challenging and a daunting task to implement, practice will make perfect and this will be a new of life for everyone involved in seeking to have a new healthy lifestyle. Finding the right foods to eat on a day to day basis will be easier than you may think, if you are one of the thousands located in a large urban setting, this should pose no problem.

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Healthy Food Choices For A Healthy You

How to Lose Weight When You Have a Family to Feed

Monday, April 4th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: One possible challenge you may face when starting out to lose weight is balancing your healthy weight loss plan with your family’s meal plan. Your spouse or children may not (probably will not) like the new healthy foods you serve them. If this is the case, it is up to you to educate them on the benefits of changing to a healthy diet and slowly introducing them healthy foods and to a new way of eating.

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How to Lose Weight When You Have a Family to Feed

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