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Posts Tagged ‘much-easier’

Understanding Food by Calories

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The road to losing weight will sometimes require you to do some simple maths. Not only in terms of the pounds that you have lost, but also the number of calories that you take in from the food you eat.

See the rest here:
Understanding Food by Calories

Healthy Eating Out – A Survival Guide for the Restaurant!

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Many people will tell you that it’s impossible to eat out and eat healthily at the same time! Whilst it is true that many restaurants cater primarily for the “indulgent” diner (after all, we eat out to enjoy ourselves!), healthy eating in a restaurant can be much easier than you think! So, if your lifestyle is one that has you jetting here and there, staying in fancy hotels and eating out a lot (or even staying in with a take-away on a regular basis), why not consider some of the following ideas to ease the burden a little and help you stick to healthier eating.

Continued here:
Healthy Eating Out – A Survival Guide for the Restaurant!

The Best Way to Lose Weight Past Your 30s

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: It is a complaint that women never tire of bringing up – that when they reach their 30s, they just can’t seem to get their bathroom scales to go the other way. There is quite a bit of truth to this complaint. Past the age of 30, putting on weight is much easier, and losing it becomes a real challenge.

The rest is here:
The Best Way to Lose Weight Past Your 30s

Straight Forward Suggestions For Simple Weight Loss

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: If you need to lose weight, then you are not alone. Most people are overweight today.

Read more here:
Straight Forward Suggestions For Simple Weight Loss

Top 7 Tips For Getting A Flat Belly Fast – These Tips Helped Me Lose Fat And Drop 52 Lbs In 8 Weeks

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Getting a flat belly fast can certainly be a challenge… especially if you are doing something that is unnatural or way too complicated. If you want to not just make it possible for you to FINALLY flatten you belly, but to also make it much easier, then read on for 7 tips that helped me easily lose fat and drop a little over 50 pounds in 2 months.

Read more:
Top 7 Tips For Getting A Flat Belly Fast – These Tips Helped Me Lose Fat And Drop 52 Lbs In 8 Weeks

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