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Posts Tagged ‘might-seem’

3 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight Permanently by Starving Yourself

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: While it might seem like a novel idea and concept at first thought, there are definitely a few reasons why you should not try to lose weight permanently by starving yourself. And, while you might not want to simply believe that it’s a horrible idea, there is a lot of proof that actually suggests it is very bad; so bad, in fact, that you probably shouldn’t even try to resort to this as a realistic option.

Go here to read the rest:
3 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight Permanently by Starving Yourself

The Numerous Benefits That Tae Bo Has to Offer You!

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Billy Blanks will sculpt and tone your body unlike any other! Not only will you lose weight but learn martial arts and boxing in the process! In the late 1990’s, Tae Bo experienced an incredible upsurge in popularity, and this wave of popularity has continued into 2011. It might seem tempting to dismiss this workout as an exercise fad, but it truly does contain numerous health benefits for those who practice it regularly.

The Numerous Benefits That Tae Bo Has to Offer You!

Truth About Weight Loss Revealed

Friday, March 25th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Fat loss in 31 days: It might seem unbelievable but belly fat (a.k.a central obesity) can be lost in a controlled way in a MONTH. Belly fat is accumulated due to one of these reasons.

Originally posted here:
Truth About Weight Loss Revealed

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