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Posts Tagged ‘machine-malfunctioned’

How Water Can Affect Your Overall Weight And How To Know If You Are Retaining Fluid

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: If you are using the weighing scale as a way to determine whether you are overweight or not, you may already be frustrated by the wild fluctuations in readings.

Here is the original post:
How Water Can Affect Your Overall Weight And How To Know If You Are Retaining Fluid

How Water Can Affect Your Overall Weight And How To Know If You Are Retaining Fluid

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: If you are using the weighing scale as a way to determine whether you are overweight or not, you may already be frustrated by the wild fluctuations in readings. One day you could be up 1 kg and the next day you are down 1.5 kg. What’s going on?

Go here to see the original:
How Water Can Affect Your Overall Weight And How To Know If You Are Retaining Fluid

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