How to Think Slim Naturally
Thursday, June 2nd, ‘I’ll never be slim,’ you sigh, as you read this article. ‘I’ve tired so many diets but they never seem to do the trick…
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How to Think Slim Naturally ‘I’ll never be slim,’ you sigh, as you read this article. ‘I’ve tired so many diets but they never seem to do the trick…
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How to Think Slim Naturally The human race exists in a dilemma as a result of its own modernization. According to the Darwinian theory of Natural Selection, those who have adapted to their environments pass on their genes because those adaptations have allowed them to live long enough to reproduce. For example, it was advantageous for our ancestors to eat whenever there was food available because food was never a sure thing.
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Diet Pills That Reduce Hunger As men have high levels of testosterone in the body, they are more likely to build muscle and their genes also have a huge impact in promoting easier weight loss. It is also more common for men to be employed in more physically challenging jobs than women
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Why Men Lose Weight So Much Easier Than Women Did you know that your diet for weight loss is very similar to a diet for lowering cholesterol? Even though there are signs that high cholesterol can be passed on through our genes, there are still ways in which we can help to combat that and lower the levels of bad cholesterol in our bodies by using certain foods that will help you and your battle with cholesterol.
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How to Combine Your Weight Loss Diet With A Cholesterol Lowering Diet For some of us, it might take 3000 calories a day, and others 5000. Just because its not in your genes doesn’t mean you can’t gain weight. If you are a hard-gainer, it will take a lot more work but you CAN pack on serious muscle mass…
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3 Weight Gain Myths It is often said that the way we look in our twenties is primarily because of our genes and the way we look in our forties is how we’ve taken care of ourselves during the years. Let explore the subject a bit in depth and understand what changes when we reach middle age and just can’t seem to lose weight even when we work out regular hours and follow a strict diet plan.
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Healthy Eating Habits: Avoid Middle Age Weight Problems