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Posts Tagged ‘food-intake’

How to Lose Weight for Kids – Reasons Why They Are Overweight and What Can Be Done?

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Nowadays, you can find something to eat everywhere. And the fact that more and more adults are overweight or obese is not a new thing, but the sad thing is that now even more kids are fighting with this condition

See the rest here:
How to Lose Weight for Kids – Reasons Why They Are Overweight and What Can Be Done?

The Two Meals a Day Diet Plan

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: I just started a two meal a day diet plan and feel great. This is a life style method to decrease your food intake to be more healthy.

See the article here:
The Two Meals a Day Diet Plan

Stop a Weight Loss Plateau From Occurring

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: For anyone who has tried to lose weight they know what it’s like to hit a plateau. A plateau is when you continue to exercise and diet at the same rate but the weight stops declining.

The rest is here:
Stop a Weight Loss Plateau From Occurring

The Importance Exercise And Diet For Weight Loss

Monday, April 11th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: When undertaking a weight loss program a lot of attention is given to food and cooking which is crucial. A lot of people do not implement an exercise regime as well. But food intake and exercise go hand in hand for everyone’s overall health.

Go here to see the original:
The Importance Exercise And Diet For Weight Loss

What You Should Know About Weight Loss – Tips to Lose Weight Naturally

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Knowing what you eat is not the point, but rather knowing how many calories are contained in the meals you consume. Do you have an idea whether the food you eat is bad for you or not

The rest is here:
What You Should Know About Weight Loss – Tips to Lose Weight Naturally

How You Can Prevent Calcium Depletion Whilst on a Diet Regime?

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Dieting may possibly cause some long-term damages to the body if not handled correctly simply because it places a great deal of interest to food intake, a number of the necessary nutrients needed for the body could be neglected in favor of accommodating the needs set by the dieting procedure, even in the expense of becoming malnourished. Calcium depletion is really a severe threat to these whose dieting has become part of their way of life

Read the rest here:
How You Can Prevent Calcium Depletion Whilst on a Diet Regime?

The Rise of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding Procedures As a Way to Treat Obesity

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

EzineArticles.com: There are various causes of obesity that include: lifestyle habits, genetics, and environmental issues. Lack of exercise, high-calorie food intake, overeating, and consumption of too much food, can all contribute to obesity.

See the original post here:
The Rise of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding Procedures As a Way to Treat Obesity

Water Therapy: An Effective Way To Lose Weight

Friday, March 4th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: One of the basic and essential needs as we live is water.

Here is the original post:
Water Therapy: An Effective Way To Lose Weight

Weight Control Diets – Real Dieting Without The Gimmicks!

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: You are smart, you are searching for weight control diets because you know you need to control your food intake instead of trying to trick your body with the “secret, newly discovered weight loss tips” that we see everyday on the Internet. If you are ready to get real about losing unwanted fat from your body and you understand that there is no secret formula, then the advice in this article will be like a breath of fresh air.

Read the original here:
Weight Control Diets – Real Dieting Without The Gimmicks!

7 Minute Diet – The Fat Loss Diet Explained In 7 Minutes

Friday, February 11th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Most fat loss diet programs are designed in a way that you have to decrease your food intake while at the same time increasing your exercise. This does help you lose weight rather quickly, but the downside to this approach is that if you don’t keep to that strict diet you will gain that weight right back.

7 Minute Diet – The Fat Loss Diet Explained In 7 Minutes

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