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Posts Tagged ‘fatty-foods’

How Can I Lose Weight Now?

Friday, June 10th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: More people now than ever before are trying to lose weight to improve their health. There are so many different methods that it’s difficult to know which one to choose. Do you ask yourself…how can I lose weight

See original here:
How Can I Lose Weight Now?

Trying to Understand Weight Loss Secrets

Thursday, May 19th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Weight loss secrets puzzle many of us when we see others gorging on ‘fatty foods’ and staying what we would consider slim. Unfortunately, those of us who are chubby, despair of ever getting to that point!

Excerpt from:
Trying to Understand Weight Loss Secrets

Four Tips to Achieve the Fastest Weight Loss Diet

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Dieting calls for people to give up their guilty pleasures like eating sweets, overindulging in fatty foods as well as consuming processed foods. Because of this dieting becomes very hard to do, although quite necessary for some people. Dieting helps you to move towards a healthier you as well as it gets you to control your calorie intake.

See the rest here:
Four Tips to Achieve the Fastest Weight Loss Diet

Three Incredibly Easy Ways to Eat, Fatty, and Win

Monday, February 28th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Did you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and see mounds of fat protruding from your once lovely body? No doubt, chances are you indulge yourself in massive amounts of fatty foods but the good news is you can still eat like a fatty and win. There are three extremely simple ways to eat like an NFL lineman and still keep that stunning body, but before you can use them, you need to know what they are.

Read more:
Three Incredibly Easy Ways to Eat, Fatty, and Win

Cardio to Lose Belly Fat to Get Flat

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The best cardio to lose belly fat includes workouts such as exercise bike, running, writing bike in the out doors, and swimming and whatever exercise you can do regularly to sweat and to burn calories off that flabby body. And you’ve got to be more motivated to do the cardio and use your motivating music to keep you exercising. And you have to to be more motivated to keep working out and to keep eating the right foods then you are to eat the wrong foods like sugary salty and fatty foods like fast food…

Read this article:
Cardio to Lose Belly Fat to Get Flat

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The best way to lose belly fat for men is exercising and having the right diet. If you lost weight with diet or with taking pills, then you probably gain back more weight than you had in the first place because you would binge by eating other sugary and salty and fatty foods that you love to eat

See the original post:
Best Way to Lose Belly Fat for Men

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