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Posts Tagged ‘calorie’

Metabolism and Your Weight

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: A wealth of scientific studies explains how your metabolism is directly affecting your weight. Metabolism is technically defined in general terms as the process by which your body utilizes the calories to produce the much needed energy. Metabolism works similarly to all people but differs significantly to the rate with which the metabolism process burns nutrients to be used, in turn, by the body.

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Metabolism and Your Weight

Lose The Calories, Drop The Weight – FAST!

Thursday, March 24th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Let’s get straight into the facts. If you want to lose weight, it simply comes down to consuming less calories whilst remaining active. The weight will simply fall off, once you figure out how to lose calories.

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Lose The Calories, Drop The Weight – FAST!

Really Losing Weight

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The key to losing weight is roughly a question of restricting your calorie intake and binding your system to spend “alternative” sources of energy – those persistent fat deposits around your waistline, on your arms, or on your legs. Over the whole, losing weight is more a marathon than a sprint, especially if you want to keep the extra pounds off for good.

See the original post here:
Really Losing Weight

There Is More Than One Best Way to Burn Fat?

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: When changing your eating plan with the goals of improved health and decreased weight, it is important to look at more than just the calorie count. Granted, the basic formula for weight loss is to eat less than you expend daily, but what you eat, and how you eat, will dramatically effect how you feel and your overall health as you work towards your goal.

View original post here:
There Is More Than One Best Way to Burn Fat?

Four Tips to Achieve the Fastest Weight Loss Diet

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Dieting calls for people to give up their guilty pleasures like eating sweets, overindulging in fatty foods as well as consuming processed foods. Because of this dieting becomes very hard to do, although quite necessary for some people. Dieting helps you to move towards a healthier you as well as it gets you to control your calorie intake.

See the rest here:
Four Tips to Achieve the Fastest Weight Loss Diet

5 Ways to Burn More Calories

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Need to burn more calories to reach your weight loss goals?

Read more here:
5 Ways to Burn More Calories

Can You Really Live on a 1200 Calorie Diet Allowance?

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Why a 1200 calorie diet? Where does that number come from? If you are interested in dialing down your calorie intake, that’s a number you should be particularly interested in – it’s the least it’s recommended you take in each day (if you are a woman), if you are on a diet.

Here is the original post:
Can You Really Live on a 1200 Calorie Diet Allowance?

Best Diets For Belly Fat And Foods That Help Build Muscle – Simple and Easy

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: For those of us wanting to lose belly fat and gain muscle we need to know what the best foods are that can help achieve both of these goals. In order to maintain a healthier lifestyle it is important that not only should you workout regularly in order to burn off unwanted fat, you should also keep a close eye on the foods you eat too Many problems we are all faced with at some point in any diet is the fact that many dieting foods are “boring and tasteless” so to speak. Within this article are a few of the foods available to you that will help build muscle as well as reduce your calorie intake.

Original post:
Best Diets For Belly Fat And Foods That Help Build Muscle – Simple and Easy

Are There Any Rules I Need to Remember in a Healthy Weight Loss Plan?

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: If you are wondering why, in spite of all your efforts, the dial in the scale don’t seem to budge, you may want to consider switching to a healthy weight loss plan and remove all the calorie-depriving activities you have wrongly included in your planner. Diet mistakes – like just eating “later” – will cost you more than you think. Wrong dietary decisions not only put you at risk of serious nutrition loss but will transform you to someone who is both nutritionally starved and vulnerable to diseases.

See the article here:
Are There Any Rules I Need to Remember in a Healthy Weight Loss Plan?

Losing Weight Fast by Eating More? Is It Possible?

Monday, March 14th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: It has been generally viewed that the less calories that you consumed, the more weight you will lose. In fact, if your caloric output is far more than your calorie intakes, then you will be losing weight fast

Read more here:
Losing Weight Fast by Eating More? Is It Possible?

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