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Posts Tagged ‘always-wanted’

The Best Upper Arm Exercises

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Throughout the centuries men have always wanted huge arms to impress people and women have always wanted lean and toned arms without the flab. Everyone seems to struggle with this at one time or another in their workout life.

View original post here:
The Best Upper Arm Exercises

How To Lose Thighs

Thursday, May 26th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Learn strategies to lose fat on a major problem area for many, thighs! Read how you can get the slender, sexy thighs you’ve always wanted!

Read the rest here:
How To Lose Thighs

Six-Pack Abs Report: The Naked Truth About Crunches (They Make You Fatter!)

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Ninety-nine percent of people mistakenly think that crunches are the best and safest exercise to remove stubborn fat from the waist and get great abs. That’s why you can turn on any fitness infomercial or go to any gym and see well intentioned people (probably even you) making the same mistake over and over and over gain when trying to “get those lean, sexy abs you’ve always wanted”

Read the rest here:
Six-Pack Abs Report: The Naked Truth About Crunches (They Make You Fatter!)

Change the Way You Eat, Not Your Genetics

Monday, April 4th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: If you are overweight, then you do not eat properly. If you say your genetics are preventing you from having the body you desire, then I say you are not following the proper diet for your body type. If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, sculpt the body you’ve always wanted, or just improve your general health and feel better, then you need to change the way you eat

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Change the Way You Eat, Not Your Genetics

How to Lose Weight Faster

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Many people tend to lose weight due to many reasons and to have a healthy body is one of them. Losing weight not only gives a person the celebrity slim figure that one has always wanted but it also helps one to stay away from diseases that are associated with one being obese

See the rest here:
How to Lose Weight Faster

Can You Build Muscle And Lose Body Fat At The Same Time?

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: One question I am continually asked is, “is it possible to lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time?” My answer is an emphatic YES! Read on and find out 3 of the top tips for losing that belly fat and getting that six pack you always wanted!

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Can You Build Muscle And Lose Body Fat At The Same Time?

Lose Stomach Fat Fast – 3 Deadly Mistakes You Must Avoid to Get That Hot Body of Your Dreams

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Have you been constantly trying to lose stomach fat, but never able to get rid of it all to get that body you’ve always wanted? If so, there is a chance you may have been making some mistakes that could be responsible for your progress.

View original post here:
Lose Stomach Fat Fast – 3 Deadly Mistakes You Must Avoid to Get That Hot Body of Your Dreams

Help Me Lose Weight – 3 Essential Diet Tips You Need to Know Now to Burn the Most Fat Fast

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Are you tired of asking yourself the same question over and over, “Can anything help me lose weight?” If so, you’re not alone. In fact, I used to be in the same spot as you. I struggled with weight loss for years, never finding the right diet or exercise routine.

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Help Me Lose Weight – 3 Essential Diet Tips You Need to Know Now to Burn the Most Fat Fast

Flat Belly Diet – 3 Things That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat With Minimal Effort

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: These days, losing belly flab and getting the flat belly you’ve always wanted can seem like a shot in the dark. With so many temptations, convenience foods and busy schedules, it can be hard to keep the belly fat from packing on.

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Flat Belly Diet – 3 Things That Can Help You Get Rid of Belly Fat With Minimal Effort

What Is Natural Weight Loss?

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Natural weight loss, helps you get the body you’ve always wanted without doing your body any harm. It seems that these days people will do anything to shift a few pounds, even if it involves taking supplements or having treatment that may in fact be bad for their health. Natural weight loss solutions are techniques which are proven to help you lose weight without damaging your body in the process.

See more here:
What Is Natural Weight Loss?

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