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Archive for the ‘Weight Loss’ Category

How To Successfully Lose Weight Now – Avoid The Weird Ideas

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: It seems that most of the world is asking the question, how can I successfully lose weight now? And the market place is throwing up new ideas almost weekly, some sensible, some weird.

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How To Successfully Lose Weight Now – Avoid The Weird Ideas

When Extra Weight Is Your Concern – Meratrol

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: A slim body that is healthy and fit is center of attraction.

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When Extra Weight Is Your Concern – Meratrol

How to Lose 10 Lbs in 30 Days

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Want to burn fat and keep burning it throughout the day? Then wake up and do some HIIT Cardio!

Read more here:
How to Lose 10 Lbs in 30 Days

What Schedule Can You Expect Out of a Weight Loss Retreat?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: You can experience a good schedule when you attend a weight loss retreat. This schedule will cover all kinds of activities that you will be able to partake in while staying at a retreat.

Read this article:
What Schedule Can You Expect Out of a Weight Loss Retreat?

Lose Weight Faster: Three Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Fat Loss

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Weight loss can be frustrating! But not when you use these proven shortcuts to burn fat faster and drop the extra pounds.

Read more here:
Lose Weight Faster: Three Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Fat Loss

Weight Loss – 5 Effective Ways to Lose Weight

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: If you eat right, you will take less medication. Your aim should be to stop taking any form of prescription and nonprescription drugs. There is no shortage of natural remedies for all conditions, but because the big conglomerates suppress the lawful uses of these natural cures, people have to sustain their lives on drugs.

Go here to read the rest:
Weight Loss – 5 Effective Ways to Lose Weight

Body Weight Math: What Are Your Numbers?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Here are two simple calculations that provide a snapshot of your current body weight and corresponding health implications. Body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) tell you how well your fitness and nutrition regimen is working and if there is room for improvement.

Read the original post:
Body Weight Math: What Are Your Numbers?

Fat In Diet Programs: Is There Enough in Yours?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: People spend so much time stressing about the amount of fat in diet food plans and usually it is a completely misdirected concern. Consider this: the vast majority of government health guides around the world encourage that fat make up nearly a third of your daily caloric intake! This article discusses some of the reasons that fat in diet programs confuse the people that use them.

Read more:
Fat In Diet Programs: Is There Enough in Yours?

Do Diet Patches Work?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Diet Patches have become increasingly popular in our health conscious society, but are they just a gimmick? Let me show you how diet patches work and what the benefits are for you…

Continue reading here:
Do Diet Patches Work?

Three Square Meals or Small Meal Diet for Weight Loss?

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: The debate goes on for weight loss: which is better, three square meals or the small meal diet plan? As this article shows, the answer is not as clear cut as it may seem.

See the original post:
Three Square Meals or Small Meal Diet for Weight Loss?

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Consumers should always consult their own medical practitioner(s) with any medical or health concerns before starting any new diet, product or supplement.