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Archive for the ‘Weight Loss’ Category

Can Flaxseed Oil Help You Lose Weight?

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: When you are trying to lose weight, any natural supplement that can aid weight loss can be very useful. One such supplement that has been linked with weight loss in the past is Flaxseed oil, but is there a genuine connection and where can you find it? Lets take a closer look at the link between Flaxseed oil and weight loss.

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Can Flaxseed Oil Help You Lose Weight?

Choice or Chance

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Do you like to make choices in your life, or would you rather leave things to chance? When it comes to your health, ask yourself honestly… how much do you leave to CHOICE and how much do you leave to CHANCE.

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Choice or Chance

Smart Tips For Losing Weight Fast

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Some women want to lose weight fast because they have a special occasion and need to fit into “that dress.” There are often reasons why people want to know the fastest way to lose weight, even if the methods may not be safe for long term weight loss. Sometimes people need to lose weight fast so they can have surgery and the weight is preventing them from having it done. No matter what you do, the biggest things are motivation and commitment.

See the article here:
Smart Tips For Losing Weight Fast

Seven Kinds of Food Can Help People Gain Weight

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: While many people want to lose weight by all means, a group of people are trying their best to gain weight all the time. These people eat a lot and sleep a lot every day, but they are still too thin

More here:
Seven Kinds of Food Can Help People Gain Weight

Vitamins Help You Lose Weight Effectively

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: Do you know that vitamins can also help you lose weight effectively? Nearly all the vitamins can be found in our daily foods and they play an important role in accelerating the metabolism for the human body.

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Vitamins Help You Lose Weight Effectively

Getting Six Pack Abs Through Condensed Circuit Training

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: A lot of guys who are reasonably fit (at around 15% body fat) want six pack abs. In order to get six pack abs you need to be at least at 10% body fat. Unless you have the right genetics and a fast metabolism getting down from 15% to 10% body fat is a goal that is very difficult to achieve.

The rest is here:
Getting Six Pack Abs Through Condensed Circuit Training

Lose Weight in 6 Weeks – How I Dropped Over 20 Pounds and You Can Too

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: There is no doubt that we are living in a fattening world today. Our lifestyles are nothing but fattening. We eat foods that are high in fat and calories yet the work we do is less demanding in terms of physical energy.

See original here:
Lose Weight in 6 Weeks – How I Dropped Over 20 Pounds and You Can Too

When People Notice That You Have Lost Weight

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: PEOPLE LOVE TO TELL YOU when they see you losing weight, AND they love to talk behind your back when they see you gain it. A suggestion for you and any others you know on how to handle this situation is to tr

See more here:
When People Notice That You Have Lost Weight

Home Gym Routine to Burn Fat

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: A home gym routine to burn fat involves a lot of heavy repetitions and low weight exercises. Generally speaking, these routines are a lot more flexible than a routine to build muscle. The advantage of having equipment at home is that you can do your exercises whenever you wish.

Go here to see the original:
Home Gym Routine to Burn Fat

A How to Lose Weight Plan: Why Exercise Along With Calorie Reduction Is the Key to Weight Loss

Wednesday, June 8th, 2011

EzineArticles.com: We’ve all heard that an effective how to lose weight plan must include caloric reduction along with exercise. Now, research has shown how effective this can be. An interesting study was done using monkeys to determine the difference in weight loss between a group that had a reduction in calories only and a group that combined reduction of calories with exercise

Read more here:
A How to Lose Weight Plan: Why Exercise Along With Calorie Reduction Is the Key to Weight Loss

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